Articles on Children and Divorce

Helping Children Cope with Divorce

How to Tell Your Pre-Schooler You Are Getting a Divorce

Helping Infants and Toddlers Adjust to Divorce

Helping Children Heal After Divorce

Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce

Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

Therapeutic Supervised Visitation (TSV) is similar to a traditional monitored supervised visit between parent and child except that a therapist is involved in supervising and guiding the visit.

TSV provides structured, interactive guidance on the parent-child interaction, with a focus on positive parenting education and skills, the attachment between parent and child, and behavioral management.

TSV is non-confidential. Therapist-patient privilege does not apply.

Goals of Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

To provide a protected visitation and a therapeutic intervention between children and the non-custodial parent so that the child benefits as much as possible from the contact.

To assist children and their families in maintaining or re-establishing relationships that are healthy and safe for the child.

To assist children in the transition to different family structures, while providing for the safety of the child.

To provide custody evaluators and treatment professionals with supplemental information for visitation and treatment planning.

To actively engage in assisting the non-custodial parent and child to re-engage in a relationship if it has been interrupted by the court process.

All KIDS Services providers of Therapeutic Supervised Visitations are Mental Health Professionals or Social Workers. Providers comply with the training and education requirements of Idaho Rules of Civil Procedures, AFCC and the Supervised Visitation Network's Standards of Supervised Visitation Practices and Code of Ethics.

Protocol for Therapeutic Supervised Visitation